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“Environment: How do you define it?”

What is it?

Environment includes physical aspects like air, water, and soil as well as social and economic conditions under which we live. The environment surrounds all living beings including people. Mans ill health is always affected by the environmental factors such as air pollution, soil pollution ,poor sanitary conditions and biological factors like germs, insects, rodents and animals.Our_Enviro2

According to Webster dictionary Environment is defined as; the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival

A healthy environment is required to obtain a good health. Quality of life can be maintained if we are healthy. Only the man is responsible to maintain the ecological balance. We should maintain the quality of various aspects of the environment such as air, water and land. If one of them is destroyed other is affected. Read the rest of this entry