Blog Archives

International [YOU] Day online contest

August 12th is International Youth Day, and YEN is celebrating with a contest to highlight the accomplishments of the youth in our network! From now until August 12th, each day we will feature a different young person on the website.

To enter, all you have to do is go to our forum and tell us what was your greatest accomplishment this year. You can enter once per day. Each day we’ll pick one of the entries to feature on our home page, and on International Youth Day, we will do a random draw of all the featured youth and the winner will get a prize package, including a smart phone!

Enter at

For more information, contact Sharon at

Youth Empowerment And Sustainable Development; Club and Networks in Rampur

Youth-EmpowermentYouth empowerment, Sustainable development, Climate change, Environmental friendly are some frequently using phrase/terms these days. If we searched these phrase/terms in the internet we can find many related issue and their terminological meaning. The alarming issue, climate change has hits most frequently and this gave rise to new phrase Environmental friendly. Defining future response we often say sustainable development, youth empowerment. For giving action on this matter different organization has given their effort nationally, internationally and globally. If we looked up the Nepal we can also find different  environmental motive organization and clubs. Recently I participated in Youth Eco Network (YEN) in the IAAS Rampur campus. With the main theme “empowering the youth greening the future” this network has just inaugurated and started giving green results. Read the rest of this entry